Saturday, September 29, 2007

I'll be going to an old friends wedding soon, and it made stop and think about some of the friends I've had over the years. When we think about the people that last in our lives, and I say last because, you don't know what's going to happen month to month, so many of them leave and move around. Some of them keep in touch, some of them don't. I've recently had some people in the past year come back into my life, family and former family. Also, some are dearly departed. I can't help it but sometimes i feel like there is always a balance in life and the equilibrium sets in to take where you've given and give where you've taken from. Things become wonderful just as soon as there is peril. The peril ends and so begins glory. This might be pessimism, or maybe it's just the bitter rants of man who's napkin blows away in the wind. I think a realistic view about the balance of life is a budhist idea, but this brings me to my original idea of friends over the year. It's always good to keep those friends somewhat close, because you never know when you need one, if nothing else for than to make some noise that doesn't come from an electronic device. That's a whole new post in itself!

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